Experience what it's like on the other side, and evolve though time.

The first puzzle is based on the game Wordle. Click and drag the indicators to select letters and try to spell the correct word!

Green: The letter selected is correct, don't move this dial.

Yellow: The letter is in the word, but not at that spot.

Red: The letter is not in the word at all.



Main Menu Jazz

First Level

"Google" game


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Had fun and enjoyed the hitchhiker's guide reference!! XD I really enjoyed playing as the enemy in the game after unlocking the code, never done that before! Also the pop-up games were a cool fast pace feel! I struggled a bit thinking I needed to click for the map, but actually, you just drag.

At first, I almost gave up in the first unlocking game because I didn't know how to move the handle. That part felt a bit frustrating with the UI since I would read them by row, but you need to go down and then spin haha. I'm glad I kept going lots of surprises and fun snippets in the game!!